Error Analysis

Find the errors in these sentences and correct them.
  1. That book contain many different kind of story and article.
  2. There is a lot of difference between United States and my country.
  3. The English is one of the most important language in the world.
  4. She is always willing to help her friends in every possible ways.
  5. I don’t have enough time to make all of my homeworks.
  6. He succeeded in creating one of the best army in the world.
  7. There are many equipments in the research laboratory, but undergraduates are not allowed to use them.
  8. All of the guest enjoyed themselves at the reception.
  9. I have a five years old daughter and a three years old son.
  10. I am not accustomed to a cold weather.
  11. Each states in the country have a different language.
  12. Most of people in my apartment building is friendly.
  13. A political leader should have the ability to adapt themselves to a changing world.
  14. In my opinion, a foreign student should live in a dormitory because they will meet many people and can practice their English every day. Also, if you live in a dormitory, your food is provided for you.
  15. When I lost my passport, I had to apply for the another one.
  16. When I got to class, all of the others students were already in their seats.

Suatu titik ditentukan oleh letaknya, tetapi tidak memiliki ukuran (besaran), sehingga dikatakan bahwa titik tidak berdimensi. Sebuah titik dilukiskan dengan tanda noktah dan dibubuhi nama menggunakan huruf kapital .
Garis adalah himpunan titik-titik yang hanya mempunyai ukuran panjang sehingga dikatakan garis berdimensi satu .
Bidang adalah himpunan titik-titik yang mempunyai ukuran panjang dan luas, sehingga dikatakan bidang berdimensi dua .
Aksioma tentang Garis dan BidangAksioma 1: Melalui dua titik sebarang yang tidak berimpit hanya dapat dibuat satu garis lurus .
Aksioma 2: Jika satu garis dan satu bidang memiliki dua titik pesekutuan, maka garis itu seluruhnya terletak pada bidang .Aksioma 3: Melalui tiga buah titik sembarang tidak segaris hanya dapat dibuat satu bidang.
DalilDalil 1: Suatu bidang ditentukan oleh tiga titik yang tidak segaris .
Dalil 2: Suatu bidang ditentuken oleh sebuah garis dan sebuah titik (titik terletak di luar garis) .
Dalil 3: Suatu bidang ditentukan oleh dua garis berpotongan .
Dalil 4: Suatu bidang ditentukan oleh dua garis sejajar
Kedudukan titik terhadap garis
Titik terletak pada garis
Titik A dikatakan terletak pada garis A, jika titik A dapat dilalui oleh garis g .
Titik di luar garis
Titik A dikatakan berada di luar garis A, jika titik A tidak dapat dilalui oleh garis g .
Kedudukan titik terhadap bidang
Titik terletak pada bidang
Titik A dikatakan terletak pada bidang U, jika titik A dapat dilalui oleh bidang U.
Titik di luar bidang
Titik A dikatakan berada di luar bidang U, jika titik A tidak dapat dilalui oleh bidang U .
Kedudukan garis terhadap garis lainDua garis berpotongan
Dua garis g dan h dikatakan berpotongan, jika kedua garis itu terletak pada bidang dan memiliki sebuah titik persekutuan. Titik persekutuan ini disebut titik potong .
catatan: Jika dua garis berpotongan pada lebih dari satu titik potong, maka garis itu dikatakan berimpit.Dua garis sejajar
Dua garis g dan h dikatakan sejajar, jika kedua garis itu terletak pada satu bidang dan tidak memiliki titik persekutuan.
Dua garis bersilangan
Dua garis g dan h dikatakan bersilangan, jika kedua garis itu tidak terletak pada satu bidang.
Aksioma Dua Garis Sejajar
Aksioma 4: Melalui sebuah titik yang berada di luar garis tertentu hanya dapat dibuat satu garis yang sejajar dengan garis tertentu itu.
Dalil tentang Dua Garis Sejajar
Dalil 5: Jika garis k sejajar dengan garis l, dan garis l sejajar dengan garis m, maka garis k sejajar dengan garis m.
Dalil 6: Jika garis k sejajar garis h dan memotong garis g, garis l sejajar garis h dan memotong garis g, maka garis-garis k, l dan g terletak pada satu bidang.
Dalil 7: Jika garis k sejajar garis l sedangkan garis l menembus bidang U, maka garis k juga menembus bidang U .
Kedudukan Garis terhadap Bidang
Garis terletak pada bidang Garis g dikatakan terletak pada bidang U, jika garis g dan bidang U itu sekurang-kurangnya memiliki dua titik persekutuan.
Garis sejajar bidangGaris g dikatakan sejajar bidang U, jika garis g dan bidang U itu tidak memiliki titik persekutuan.
Garis memotong atau menembus bidangGaris g dikatakan memotong atau menembus bidang U, jika garis g dan bidang U hanya memiliki satu titik persekutuan. Titik persekutuan ini dinamakan titik potong atau titik tembus.
Dalil-Dalil tentang Garis Sejajar Bidang
Dalil 8: Jika garis g sejajar garis h dan garis h terletak pada bidang ß, maka garis g sejajar dengan bidang U .
Dalil 9 : Jika bidang U melalui garis g dan garis g sejajar bidang V, maka garis potong antara bidang U dan bidang V sejajar dengan garis g .
Dalil 10: Jika garis g sejajar garis h dan garis h sejajar bidang U, maka garis g ejajar bidang U . Dalil 11: Jika bidang U dan bidang V berpotongan dan masing-masing sejajar terhadap garis g, maka garis potongantara kedua bidang itu sejajar garis g .
Titik tembus antara garis dan bidang yang berpotongan
Jika suatu garis memotong bidang maka terdapat satu titik tembus. Titik tembus antara garis g dan bidangU ditentukan sebagai berikut:
1. Buat bidang V melalui garis g.
2. Tentukan garis potong bidang U dan bidang V, yaitu garis (U, V).
3. Tentukan titik potong garis g dengan garis (U, V). Titik potongnya adalah titik yang merupakan titik tembus yang diminta.
Kedudukan Bidang terhadap Bidang lain
Dua bidang berimpit
Bidang U dan bidang V dikatakan berimpit, jika setiap titik yang terletak pada bidang U juga terletak pada bidang V atau setiap titik yang terletak pada bidang V juga terletak pada bidang U.
Dua bidang sejajar
Bidang U dan bidang V dikatakan sejajar, jika kedua bidang itu tidak memiliki satupun titik persekutuan.
Dua bidang berpotongan
Bidang U dan V dikatakan berpotongan, jika kedua bidang itu memiliki tepat satu garis persekutuuan. Garis persekutuan sering dinamakan garis potong yang merupakan tempat kedudukan titik persekutuan. Garis persekutuan antara bidang U dan V dinotasikan dengan (U, V).
Tiga bidang berpotongan
Jika tiga bidang berpotongan dan memiliki tiga garis persekutuan, maka kemungkinan kedudukan dari ketiga garis persekutuan itu adalah berimpit , sejajar, atau melalui sebuah titik.
Dalil-Dalil tentang Dua Bidang Sejajar
Dalil 12: Jika garis a sejajar garisg dan garis b sejajar garis h, garis a dan b berpotongan dan terletak pada bidang U, garis g dan h berpotongan dan terletak pada bidang V, maka bidang U sejajar bidang V .
Dalil 13: Jika bidang U sejajar bidangV dan dipotong oleh bidang W, maka garis potong (U, V) sejajar garis potong (U, V).
Dalil 14: Jika garis g menembus bidang U dan bidang U sejajar bidang V, maka garis g juga menembus bidang V.
Dalil 15: Jika garis g sejajar bidang U dan bidang U sejajar bidang V, maka garis g juga sejajar bidang V.
Dalil 16: Jika garis g terletak pada bidang U dan bidang U sejajar bidang V, maka garis g sejajar bidang V.
Dalil 17: Jika bidang U sejajar bidang V dan bidang W memotng bidang U, maka bidang W juga memotong bidang V.
Dalil 18: Jika bidang U sejajar bidang V dan bidang V sejajar bidang W, maka bidang U sejajar bidang W .
Dalil 19: Jika bidangU sejajar bidang X dan bidang V sejajar bidang Y, maka garis (U, V) sejajar garis (X, Y).

Pythagorean Theorem / Dalil Pythagoras

Pythagoras adalah seorang matematikawan yang lahir sekitar tahun 582 SM. di Pulau Samos, Yunani. Pythagoras hidup amat sederhana, keras, dan memakai waktunya mengerjakan matematika. Pythagoras yakin bahwa matematika menyimpan semua rahasia alam semesta dan dia percaya bahwa beberapa angka memiliki keajaban. Pythagoras diingat karena dalil Pythagoras, sebuah rumus sederhana dalam geometri tentang ketiga sisi dalam segitiga siku - siku. Namun, Pythagoras juga melakukan beberapa eksperimen ilmiah paling pertama melalui mendengarkan suara senar yang diregangkan dengan panjang yang berbeda dan meneliti matematika oktaf dan harmoni. Ide - ide matematika Pythagoras menjadi penting bagi filsuf Plato dan melalui pengaruh Plato para ilmuwan lain seperti Galileo, Kepler, dan Sir Issac Newton.

Pada tahun 2500 SM, orang-orang Mesir Kuno menganggap pasangan bilangan 3,4 dan 5 sebagai bilangan-bilangan yang ajaib dan menyebutnya sebagai salah satu ajaran dari Dewa Oasis. Ketika mereka membangun fondasi piramida, mereka menggunakan bilangan-bilangan tersebut sebagai acuan membangun sudut siku-siku dengan bantuan sebuah tali yang dibuat 4 simpul dengan jarak masing-masing antara simpul pertama dan kedua berjarak 3 satuan, simpul kedua dan ketiga berjarak 4 satuan dan simpul ketiga dan keempat berjarak 5 satuan. Jika tali tersebut dibuat segitiga dengan menyatukan simpul pertama dan keempat, maka didapatkan sbeuah segitiga siku-siku yaitu suatu segitiga yang salah satunya siku-siku.


Kita nyatakan sisi BC (sisi di depan sudut A) dengan a,sisi AC (sisi di depan sudut B) dengan b, sisi AB (sisi di depan sudut C) dengan C Berdasar dalil Pythagoras berlaku : c2 = a2 + b2 atau AB2 = BC2 + AC2, atau b2 = c2 – a2 atau a2 = c2 – b2
Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari dalil Pythagoras untuk sisi-sisi segitiga yaitu :
Dalam segitiga ABC siku-siku dengan sisi-sisi a, b, dan c berlaku :
1. Bila segitiga ABC siku-siku di A berlaku a2 = b2 + c2
2. Bila segitiga ABC siku-siku di B berlaku b2 = a2 + c2
3. Bila segitiga ABC siku-siku di C berlaku c2= a2 + b2

Berlatih dulu yuuk …

1.Perhatikan gambar berikut :

a. Berapakah luas persegi diatas?
b. Hitung luas daerah yang diarsir !
c. Berapa luas daerah yang tidak diarsir ?
d. Kesimpulan apa yang bisa didapat ?

2. Diketahui sisi-sisi beberapa segitiga, tentukan apakah segitiga siku-siku, lancip, atau tumpul ? Kemukakan alasannya !

Segitiga ABC dengan a = 5 cm, b = 6 cm, dan c = 8 cm
Segitiga PQR dengan p = q = r =6 cm
Segitiga ABC dengan a = 9 cm dan b = c = 12 cm
Segitiga KLM dengan m = 10 cm, k = 16 cm dan l = 18 cm

3. Diketahui segitiga PQR siku-siku di Q. Panjang hipotenusa segitiga PQR adalah 8 , dan sudut P = 300
Tentukan panjang PQ dan QR dan tentukan luas daerah segitiga PQR

4. Sebuah segitiga ABC siku-siku di B dan Besar sudut BAC = 300. Jika luas segitiga itu adalah 8 cm2, hitunglah panjang sisi-sisi segitiga tersebut !

Socio Linguistic


Indonesia is a land of exotic surprises, featuring the rich culture and arts of its people amidst the sandy beaches and cool mountains. It comprises about 13.700 islands, the principal ones being Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya. Indonesia has a population of over 170 million and it is a mosaic of many different ethnic, linguistic, religious, cultural groups and
some 250 spoken languages.
In east Java, one can find that every city speak their languages that may have varieties, dialects and various language styles. Although Javanese speak Java to communicate in particular places and situations they prefer to speak their own regional language to their speech community who
are from the same region. They usually try to create their own language style so that they can easily communicate with their speech community.
One of the cities in Java that the speech community creates a new term in the Javanese language is Lawang City. Lawang is a small city, which is located on the north part of Malang regency. It is also the border of Malang and Pasuruan. Lawang is a place where we can find both the country atmosphere, and the busy life of town.
Lawang’s speech community usually has their language style for communicating each other. As a Javanese who lives in Lawang and uses to speak Javanese with her family, the writer was interested to observe the phenomena of “the addition of PE in the Javanese language as the language style of Lawang’s speech community” by doing a research that might be important to contribute to sociolinguistic science. The writer also involves her self in doing the research. Although she speaks Javanese in her daily activities but she used to add her sentence with a particular term that have been understood by her speech community. The writer her self prefer to use the addition of Javanese language to speak without any addition at all because several factors; mood, solidarity, situation, topic of the speech, occasion, and habit.
There are three reasons which make the writer interested to observe this phenomena;
v It is unique
During the research, the writer found that the particular term of “PE”used for Lawang’s speech community only. So far, the writer also tries to introduce this term to another friends from the different cities but they never heard this before. It does not like the language style of malang’s speech community that we called it “walikan.” Not just the people who come from Malang that can understand the meaning but also another persons from another cities can understand it. In contrast to “walikan style” that have been known by public, the language style of Lawang’s speech community is unique.
v It is easy
The addition of “PE” makes thespeaker easier to communicate each other. It does not need other particular terms. Just giving the addition of ‘PE” before the Javanese language and making some reductions of words if it is necessary.

v It is understandable
By using this style there is no special changing in the Javanese language so that the language is understandable for communicating in Lawang’s speech community. One who concern with the languages used by this style will understand it well although he never learns it before.

Based on the reasons above the writer interested to make a research about “THE ADDITION OF ‘PE’ IN THE JAVANESE LANGUAGE AS THE LANGUAGE STYLE OF LAWANG’S SPEECH COMMUNITY.”

v Research Design
The study was a qualitative research, which described the phenomena in language style; this study did not need measurement or statistical data. The observations were merely based on the natural conversation of the writer her self with some of the writer’s neighbors, family, friends, relatives and other respondents that all of whom speak the Javanese and were assumed to use the language style by adding the particular term known as “PE” in their speeches.

During the observation activities, the writer was involving her self to have conversations with the entire respondents that have been mentioned above by using the addition of “PE” in Javanese language. So that the writer will get the real data from the natural occasion. The writer didn’t choose a particular topic for the conversation but she tried to have free topics based on the daily activities.

v Data and Source of the Data

The data used in this research was oral data, which were taken from the natural oral conversations from the entire respondent. This study was conducted to find out several things as follows:
Ø Why do the Lawang’s speech community prefer to use their
language style with any additions to speak with the pure Javanese language?
Ø When do they use a particular language style?
Ø What is the pattern used in Language style of Lawang’s speech community?
v Research Instrument
The instrument that is use in this research is the human instrument. The writer her self
that has the important role to make the research.
In order to get the accurate data; the writer makes list of several points such as; the name of respondent with their social background, age, level of education, and their occupations. It also includes the date when the data taken, the occasion of when the conversation happens, the analyzing item, and the writing instrument.
To get the data the writer involves her self to make some conversations with the entire respondent because she also uses the same language style as her speech community in her daily activities.
v Data Collection

After having some conversations and wrote some points from the entire respondents, then she collected all the forms to be analyzed. Based on the data, she would describe the phenomena of language style of lawang’s speech community that were adjusted on several factors: mood, solidarity, situation, occasion, politeness, and habit.


From Appendix 1

In this discourse, the writer has a simple conversation with her mother about the scholarship. She tells her mother that she got the scholarship from the university. The writer does not use the pure Javanese language but she prefers to use the addition of “Pe” in her utterances. Knowing that her mother also uses the same language style so that the writer does not change
her language style.
Another consideration that influences the writer is the topic of conversation, which is quite dangerous to be known by public instead of these days.
From Appendix 2
The phenomena occurred in this discourse that the writer also uses the same language style with her friend in the same level. The usages of the “PE” addition in this case show that both the writer and her friend have known each other well. They like to use this style because of the
topic is secret thing so that it would not been known by other person who never knows this pattern. This style also makes the speakers feel comfortable during the conversation.

From Appendix 3
The language style in the utterances occurred because both the speakers want to make a joke after finishing the praying. Hopefully by using the language style, other listeners also give the contribution to the conversation.
From Appendix 4
In this discourse, there was the addition of “PE” as the language style. The speaker uses it because the conversation takes place in the market, which it visited by many people from other cities. There are consideration that force the speaker use this style rather than use the common Javanese language; the seller always give a discount when the speaker buy meat. If the speaker use common Javanese language it would been known by other buyers.

From Appendix 5
The phenomena occurred in the utterances because the speaker has the conversation with her little sister. The usage of the language style will add the familiarity between them. The sister does not have to worry to use this style because the impolite language. The language it self used by many people with various occupations and the different level of education and age.
From Appendix 6
In this case, the speaker use the language style in her conversation with her aunt because consideration of the aunt mood. Moreover, it is the tool to motivate the speaker to show her feeling of “tiring”. The language is informal based on conversation. It is common thing to use this language style.

From Appendix 7
The speaker prefer to use this language style than to use the common javanese language because she wants to give the person from the different level a self confident to have the conversation with one who comes from higher position. It will avoid the difference between the servant and her boss in using the same language style.


Appendix 1
(Conversation between the writer and her mother about the scholarship)
Writer (A) : Bu, pe-ak pe-en pe-du
Mother (B) : Pe-kap?
A : Pe-mang pe-es
B : Pe-ak yo?
A : Pe-ak bu, telungatus ewu
Appendix 2
(Conversation between the writer and her friend about the ceremony)
Friend (A) : Pe-lam pe-mar pe-wing pe-ram yo?
Writer (B) : Pe-ram nemen
A : Pe-sop sing pe-tek?
B : Pe-kab
A : Pe-nggo pe-op?
B : Pe-ak

Appendix 3
(Conversation between the writer and her neighbor about the Tarawih activities)
Writer (A) : Pe-mang pe-ak sing pe-sol
Neigh (B) : Iyo, la isih pe-an
A : Pe-im e yo pe-en
B ; Pe-en pe-nang pe-mas

Appendix 4
(Conversation between the writer and the seller of meat about the price of meat)
Writer (A) : Pe-pir pe-dag e?
Seller (B) : Sing pe-ap yo pe-lar
A : Pe-on sing pe-mur lan pe-ap
B : Yo, pe-gak pe-on
Appendix 5
(Conversation between the writer and her little sister about going out)
Sister (A) : Mbak hanik, pe-kap pe-met?
Writer (B): Pe-tuk pe-op
A : Pe-san
B : Yo, sore ae
Appendix 6
(Conversation between the writer and her aunt about her activity)
Writer (A) : Pe-gak pe-dol
Aunt (B) : Pe-ak pe-kes
A : Pe-tup yo
B : Pe-men pe-buk

Appendix 7
(Conversation between the writer and her aunt’s servant)
Writer (A) : Pe-gak pe-um pe-um a?
Servant (B): Pe-dur
A : Pe-ak a
B : Pe-gak, pe-tip a?
A : Wah, kok pe-nger pe-is pe-ak


1. Lawang’s speech community has their own language style to communicate.
2. The language style used in Lawang has been known by adding a particular term called “PE.”
3. The speech community prefers to use the Javanese language with the addition to speak the
pure Javanese language without any addition
4. Some factors that influence people to use the language style are mood, solidarity, situation,
topic of speech, occasion, politeness, and habits.
5. The Lawang’s speech communities speak their own Javanese language to their speech
community who are from the same region.
6. The pattern that used in Lawang’s language style is “PE”+ Javanese language (whether the
prefix only or the suffix)
7. The addition of “PE” in Javanese language Has been used by lawang’s speech community from
the different age, occupations, and social background

Adverb clause

Adverb clause
1. Divide the class into several small groups.
2. Give each group the strips of sentences.
3. Ask them to make logical sentences by arranging the strips (2 strips for 1 sentence)
4. After the students have finished, go over the sentences to discuss the use of Adverb Clause.Note: This activity can be used as a speed game. You can also elaborate the discussion further, not only about the grammar point but also the students’ personal experiences. Therefore, make the sentences contextual.

I cannot love you even though

since the lecturer doesn’t come today,

some guys know how to treat women, while

now that you’re 20,

I will forgive you only if

my parents have a lot of children, so

he has a bad insomnia, so he can’t sleep unless

after I graduate from this university,
while I was going on a date with my boyfriend/girlfriend,

nobody has seen her ever since

once I receive this month’s allowance from my parents,

the last time I went to my Senior High School,

you bring me the moon and the stars

we can hang out together at the café

others simply do not

you should be more responsible to yourself

you buy me that chocolate ice cream and Japanese cake

we always fight when watching TV

he counts 1,000 sheep

I will run a business with my friends

I met my other boyfriend/girlfriend, and now I’m completely available

she comes to the Structure class last week

I will treat everybody in the class

it has completely changed



Speech, like dress, can have different styles depending on the situation. Style itself refers to the selection of linguistic forms to convey social or artistic effects. It forms a communication system in its own right, one that determines how a social interaction will proceed, or if it will proceed at all. If it is to continue, style tells how, whether formally or informally. It may also tell listeners how to take what is being said: seriously, ironically, humorously, or in some other way.
Style uses all the resources of language: tone of voice, different ways of pronouncing sounds, even choice of words and grammar themselves. When the style of an utterance contradicts the meaning of the words and grammar, the style is often believed. This is because style tells us how to interpret a message. The followings are
some samples –taken from my personal experiences and the people in my
surroundings’— of style vs. words, choice of words, and tone of voice.

A. Style vs. words

1. I always find difficulties of getting up in the morning especially in this fasting month. One morning, when it’s only 15 more minutes left before “Imsak”, I was still on my bed, very hesitate to get up. Then, my mother came to my room, and said, “Terusno turumu nak, enak-enakno, sek esuk kok.” What happened next was that I got off my bed with my eyes still closed.

2. One day, my sister and I went to our auntie’s. we were there for along time until there was a call from my mother. She said, “Wis nak, ojok moleh, nginepo kono ae mesisan.”
3. When we came to somebody’s house as a guest, we sometimes said, “Gak usah ngombe wis, gak perlu repot-repot.” Still, the host or the hostess would give us something to drink. I myself preferred trusting in words, so when I was asked not to make drinks, I wouldn’t, though the style showed the opposite.

B. Tone of voice

1. A very old friend of mine called me one day. I was happy and surprised to receive the call because it’s been a long time. so I said to him, “Hey, yok opo kabare, rek?”
enthusiastically. After a few days, he called me again very early in the morning. I was thinking that there’s something wrong and I asked him, “Onok opo?” with a rising tone.
Apparently, he wanted to tell me that our friend’s mother was dead. In the other day, he called me when I was trying hard to sleep, which made me in a bad mood. After I knew that it was he who called, I just said flatly, “Oh yo, onok opo?. After that call, he never called me anymore. It is very probable that he felt offensed by my very lazy
2. Many people made phone calls to my house the day my uncle died. I was the only person in the house, so I had to receive all the calls, which asked the same things, whether my uncle was really dead, and when he would be buried. Then, there’s one call asking similar information, “Pak H. Faroid meninggal ya?” I answered in usual tone, “Ya, betul.” Then he said, “Kapan dimakamkannya? Ini dari Ustadz Ali.” Apparently, the caller was a very respectable person in my hometown. Thus, I changed my voice tone and my style of speech also changed drastically. I tried to be as polite as possible when speaking and I even nodded my head during my speech to show my respect, though he wouldn’t see my action.
3. One day, my friends and I met our lecturer who’s got his hand injured. Then another friend passed by and just said to him, “what’s the matter with you?” The
message seemed to be the same as the words “What’s got into you, do you have a
problem with me?” Of course, this was not what she intended to say, however, her tone, and perhaps, her choice of words made her speech sound like that. Fortunately, my lecturer seemed not to feel anything and just made a big smile.

4. Before the Extensive Reading class, some of us had a chat together outside. Then one of us asked the other one, “Hei, koen kate public presentation opo private?” she answered, “Sak karepku tah.” The tone told us that she said that as humour, so we laughed at that time. However, when she asked a question, we felt that we had a chance to take revenge, so we responded the same way as she did before, and we laughed together.

C. Choice of words

1. One day, I got on a “mikrolet”, and when trying to find a seat, I stepped on somebody’s feet. I spontaneously yelled, “Eh, sorry, sorry Pak!” I was right that he was a man, but he was already old. I realized that I had just used the wrong choice of word, and he justified my thought by looking at me unpleasantly.

2. My father got a letter one day, from a store in Malang saying that he could get an interesting prize without having to buy anything before. It’s due to the store’s anniversary or something, I forget what it was. Since we often got such kinds of letters, I tried to call the store first. I asked whether the content of the letter was
true or not. I also mentioned the name of the event in English as written in the envelope. Actually, there’s also the Indonesian version, but I meant to say it in English to make me sound more sophisticated. It seemed that it worked, since the receiver then gave a long explanation of the procedure and the conditions to get the prizes, which make me and my father more convinced of not going to the store.

3. When I was gathering with my family, somebody knocked at my door. My mother, who’s apparently totally convinced that it was my father, said, “Opo ae Pak, katek tok tok barang, wong nggowo kunci ngono.” There’s no answer, but then we heard an unfamiliar voice saying, “Assalamu’alaikum.”, which was surely not my father’s. My mother and my sisters suddenly ran away leaving me alone in the living room. I opened the door and there was a face of a stranger in front of me. Obviously, my mother had used wrong choice of words, though not intentionally.
4. I often greet my friends using different words based on the degree of the friendship. I greet some of them by calling their names. That is usual. When I met some others, I may say, “Lapo koen?” Still to some others, I greet them by saying,
Hei, tuyul dan mbak yul, nang endi?”.

So it is clear that style can indicate many things through its features. By using different tone and different words, we can show our moods, our feelings, our social status and educational level, etc, to our conversational partners. We can also reveal our consideration about someone, whether or not we consider him/her our close person, and what kind of interaction we want to have with him/ her. Style can suggest what’s really inside us despite the words we use to cover it. So, be careful, if you want to lie, make sure that your style of speech will not disclose it. 

sumber =


Center for the Study of Islam

Within the context of Islamic discourse, Indonesian Muslims face two delicate problems. These problems are mainly related to Indonesia’s international relationship with both Muslims and non-Muslim societies. Although Indonesia constitutes the largest Muslim community in the world, its people are hardly taken into account as “real” Islamic community by their fellow Muslims, especially Muslims in the Middle East. The position of Indonesian Muslims in Islamic atlas is peripheral, not only geographically but also politically. However, non-Muslim societies, especially those in the Western hemisphere, include Indonesians as part of the Islamic community, which spreads from Northwest Africa to Southeast Asia.
Akbar S. Ahmed, a Muslim anthropologist, classifies Indonesian Muslims as a peripheral Muslim community. He is of the opinion that Indonesians are hardly involved in specific movements which are the main agenda for most Islamic communities. The issue of Islamic revival, for example, which is manifested in the idea of an Islamic state or the Islamization of knowledge, is not attractive to Indonesians. In fact, this idea, which is driven by the spirit of returning to the golden age of Islam, is very influential among Muslims in other areas. As a result, the distinctive nature of Indonesian Islam discourages the Muslim world from taking Indonesians into account as one of the representative Muslim communities.
Arguably, such an opinion is misleading. The majority of Indonesians, however, are Muslims. They confess, practice, and are proud of Islam. In the historical course of Indonesia, Islam has become a uniting force as well as a common identity for most of its citizens. Only there has been cultural accommodation, which is natural, as Indonesian Islam takes distinctive form to that in the Middle East or Iran. Therefore, the problem is not likely to lie in the religious differences but rather in socio-political orientations.
A. Answer the following questions based on the text.
1. What are the two delicate problems that Indonesians face?
2. What reason does Akbar S. Ahmed give to classify Indonesian Muslims as a peripheral Muslim community?
3. What is the manifestation of Islamic revival?
4. What discourages the Muslim world from considering Indonesia as one of the representative Muslim communities?
5. In Indonesian history, Islam has played two positive roles for its citizens. What are they?
B. Decide whether each of these statements is true or false.
1. Indonesia has the biggest number of Muslims in the world.
2. The fellow Muslims consider Indonesia a part of the Islamic community, while non-Muslims do not.
3. According to Akbar S. Ahmed, Indonesian Muslims are active in the movement of Islamic revival.
4. The idea of an Islamic state or the Islamization of knowledge is popular among Muslims in areas other than Indonesia.
5. The difference between the form of Islam in Indonesia and that in the Middle East is more in socio-political orientations.

C. Find the words or phrases these pronouns refer to.

1. its (line 4)
2. those (line 8)
3. he (line 12)
4. this idea (line 16)
5. they (line 22)

PART II Structure (Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous
A. Make the negative and interrogative forms of these sentences.


(+) John and Mary are not in class.

(-) They are not in class.

(?) Are they in class?

1. Mr. Sholeh is busy.
2. My friends and I go shopping every weekend.
3. Lisa always has breakfast at home.
4. The doctor arrives at 6 a.m.
5. The two boys are sleeping now.
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb (i.e. Simple Present Tense or Present Continuous Tense).
1. He (be) ….. a teacher. He (teach) ….. English. He (teach) ….. right now.
(He is a teacher. He teaches English. He is teaching right now.)
2. She (not, live) ….. in Malang. She (live) ….. in Magelang.
(She doesn’t live in Malang. She lives in Magelang.)
1. I can’t afford that ring. It (cost) ….. too much.
2. Look. It (begin) ….. to rain. Unfortunately, I (not, bring) ….. an umbrella with me. Tom is lucky. He (wear) ….. a raincoat.
3. I (not, have) ….. a raincoat. I (wear) ….. a waterproof hat on rainy days.
4. Dennis (fix) ….. the roof today, and he (need) ….. some help.
5. Right now I (look) ….. at Janet. She (look) ….. angry. I wonder what’s the matter.

Cara Memasang shoutmix chat di blog

Memasang shoutmix chat di blogger

Shoutmix chat berfungsi untuk menulis komentar, sapaan, bertukar link kepada para
blogger yang lainnya, atau saran kepada pemilik blog atau web.dll

bagaimana caranya memasang shoutmix chat pada blognya. Bagi sobat yang
berminat untuk memasang shoutmix pada blog berikut sedikit petunjuk buat
 anda :

1. Kunjungi halaman

2. Untuk mendapatkan code sriptnya, kita harus registrasi dahulu. Klik
'create your shoutbox now'. Maka akan muncul halaman seperti dibawah
ini. Masukkan ID anda, Password, Name, dan email anda. Jangan lupa di
check list 'i have ready and agree ....'. Kemudian klik continue.

3. Setelah klik continue, maka akan muncul halaman berikut ini. Pilihlah
 shoutbox style sesuai keinginan anda. Setelah anda pilih, klik continue.

4. Step berikutnya akan muncul halaman seperti berikut. Klik 'get to my control panel now'

5. Akan muncul halaman seperti di bawah ini. Untuk mendapatkan kode
scriptnya, klik get code pada kolom quick start, pilihlah get code.

6. Pada step terakhir ini akan muncul halaman seperti di bawah ini.
Setting width dan height sesuai dengan ukuran blog anda. Copy code nya
di kotak 'generated codes', lalu pastekan pada elemen javasript/html
pada blog anda (tentunya anda harus login pada blog anda).

Simpan script yang telah anda pastekan ke elemen html nya. Lihat blog anda. Semoga berhasil.

Cara Membuat guestbook(buku tamu) di blogger

Membuat Guest book tidak sesulit yang kita bayangkan, memang agak sedikit rumit tapi disini tidak perlu membuat database cuma daftar- daftar aja.
Di sini saya akan memberi tahu caranya,,,,
  1. Seperti biasa anda harus daftar terlebih dahulu dengan cara mengklik tulisan Get One noe, free>>, ataupun dengan mengklik tulisan Sign Up, silahkan anda tulis data-data anda pada form yang telah di sediakan.
  2. Jika sudah tedaftar, dan di terima jadi anggota shoutmix, silahkan anda login dengan id anda
  3. Pada kolom yang berjudul Style, klik menu appearance.
  4. Silahkan klik menu pulldown di samping tulisan Load From Preset untuk mengatur tampilan buku tamu anda, silahkan pilih yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda. Jika sudah selesai klik Save Setting.
  5. Untuk mendapatkan kode HTML dari shoutbox anda, silahkan klik Use Shoutbox yang berada di bawah menu Quick Start
  6. Klik tulisan Place Shoutbox on web page. Isi lebar dan tinggi shoutbox yang di inginkan
  7. Copy seluruh kode HTML yang ada pada text area yang berada di bawah tulisan Generated Codes, lalu simpan di program Notepad anda
  8. Klik Log out yang berada di atas layar anda untuk keluar dari halaman shoutmix anda. Silahkan close situs tersebut.
  9. Selesai

Untuk menempatkan kode HTML shoutbox tadi pada blog anda, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini.

Untuk Blogger :
  1. Silahkan Login dengan id anda
  2. Klik menu Tata Letak
  3. Klik Elemen Halaman
  4. Klik Tambah gadget
  5. Klik tombol Tambahkan ke Blog atau tanda "+" yang berada di bawah tulisan HTML/JavaScript
  6. Tuliskan judul shoutbox anda pada judul. Contoh : Buku tamu ku, atau my guestbook atau apa saja yang anda suka
  7. Copy paste kode HTML shoutbox anda di dalam konten
  8. Klik tombol Simpan Perubahan
  9. Tekan & Pindahkan yang telah anda buat tadi di tempat yang di sukai
  10. Tekan tombol Simpan
  11. Selesai
Selamat mencoba !

Sebagai tambahan, guestbook yang sering dipakai para blogger lainnya :

Fungsi Lensa Camera (Aperature)

Fungsi Lensa Kamera
Fungsi utama sebuah lensa kamera untuk mengumpulkan cahaya. Aperture dari sebuah lensa adalah diameter bukaan lensa dan biasanya dikontrol oleh iris. Semakin besar diameter aperture, semakin banyak cahaya yang masuk kedalam lensa. Sama dengan mata kita, bila kita menyipitkan mata kita, otomatis keadaan sekitar akan menjadi gelap. Pada saat kita melihat matahari yang sangat terang, kita pasti menyipitkan mata kita, begitu juga dengan kamera.

Fungsi aperture pada umumnya: 
Untuk mencegah over exposure pada saat memotret benda dekat (macro)Pada saat kita memotret benda dekat (macro), flash dinyalakan, bila aperture dibuka lebar-lebar [f2.8] maka akan terjadi over-eksposure atau keputihan. Walaupun exposure time / pengumpulan cahaya diatur ke 1/1000 atau berapapun, tidak akan pengaruh karena flash hanya nyala sekejap dan itu sangat terang. Lalu jalan keluarnya adalah dengan agak menutup aperture agar tidak terlalu banyak cahaya yang masuk ke lensa.
Untuk mencegah over exposure pada saat keadaan cahaya yang sangat terang (outdoor)Pada saat outdoor, dengan kamera yang hanya memiliki kemampuan exposure time minimal 1/1000 detik. Pada saat kita arahkan ke matahari, maka akan terjadi over-exposure jika tidak dibantu oleh aperture. Karena batas minimal exposure time pada kamera hanya sampai dengan 1/1000 detik.
Aperture maksimum besar adalah hal yang baik. Hal ini memungkinkan lebih banyak cahaya untuk mencapai sensor gambar, sehingga memungkinkan anda untuk menggunakan kecepatan rana yang lebih cepat. Kecepatan rana yang lebih cepat tidak akan menimbulkan efek goyangan kamera dan menghasilkan gambar yang tidak kabur. Keuntungan lain dari aperture maksimum yang besar adalah untuk memberikan pandangan / DOF (depth-of-field) yang dekat. Hal ini memungkinkan untuk mengaburkan latar belakang baik dengan demikian mengisolasi subjek Anda (terutama efektif ketika mengambil potret).
Aperture minimum kecil juga merupakan hal yang baik. Hal ini memungkinkan anda untuk menggunakan kecepatan rana yang lambat pada hari cerah. Kecepatan rana lambat memungkinkan gambar menjadi kabur.  Keuntungan lain dari aperture minimum kecil adalah untuk meningkatkan pandangan / DOF (depth-of-field) yang lebih luas Peningkatan pandangan memungkinkan anda untuk mengambil gambar pemandangan dimana banyak gambar di latar depan dan mencapai semua jalan ke latar belakang (biasanya, 'tak terhingga') adalah dalam fokus yang sama dan tajam.

    * Pilih aperture besar (atau kecil f / nilai atau nilai aperture kecil), misalnya f/2.8, untuk mendapatkan DOF (depth-of-field) yang sempit
    * Pilih aperture kecil (atau besar f / nilai atau nilai aperture besar), misalnya f/8.0, untuk mencapai DOF besar

Berikut adalah contoh tabel dimana kedua exposure bekerja (aperture dan kecepatan rana)
F1.8     F2.8     F4     F5.6     F8     F11     F16
1/250     1/125     1/60     1/30     1/15     1/8     1/4

Aperture dan Depth of Field (DOF)
AF pada putik bunga kuning di depan
DOF Sempit     DOF Lebar
Perhatikan bagaimana penggunaan aperture yang besar (nilai aperture kecil) melemparkan bunga-bunga di latar belakang tak fokus. Fokus harus tepat.     Menggunakan aperture kecil (nilai aperture besar) memperpanjang DOF dari latar depan sampai ke latar belakang.
49.8 mm, Av, Spot, 1/30 detik., f/3.5 , +0.7EV, Macro, Menggunakan tripod     49.6mm, Av, Spot, 1/5 detik., f/11 , +0.7EV, M

camera - menggunakan ISO untuk mendapat hasil yang baik

Secara definisi ISO adalah ukuran tingkat sensifitas sensor kamera terhadap cahaya. Semakin tinggi setting ISO kita maka semakin sensitif sensor terhada cahaya.

Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas tentang setting ISO di kamera kita (ASA dalam kasus fotografi film), coba bayangkan mengenai sebuah komunitas lebah. Sebuah ISO adalah sebuah lebah pekerja. Jika kamera saya set di ISO 100, artinya saya memiliki 100 lebah pekerja. Dan jika kamera saya set di ISO 200 artinya saya memiliki 200 lebah pekerja.

Tugas setiap lebah pekerja adalah memungut cahaya yang masuk melalui lensa kamera dan membuat gambar. Jika kita menggunakan lensa identik dan aperture sama-sama kita set di f/3.5 namun saya mengeset ISO saya di 200 sementara anda 100 (bayangkan lagi tentang lebah pekerja), maka gambar punya siapakah yang akan lebih cepat selesai?

Secara garis besar, saat kita menambah setting ISO dari 100 ke 200 ( dalam aperture yang selalu konstan – kita kunci aperture di f/3.5 atau melalui mode Aperture Priority – A atau Av) , kita mempersingkat waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan sebuah foto di sensor kamera kita sampai separuhnya (2kali lebih cepat), dari shutter speed 1/125 ke 1/250 detik. Saat kita menambah lagi ISO ke 400, kita memangkas waktu pembuatan foto sampai separuhnya lagi:1/500 detik. Setiap kali mempersingkat waktu esksposur sebanyak separuh , kita namakan menaikkan esksposur sebesar 1stop.

Anda bisa mencoba pengertian ini dalam kasus aperture, cobalah set shutter speed kita selalu konstan pada 1/125 (atau melalui mode Shutter Priority – S atau Tv), dan ubah-ubahlah setting ISO anda dalam kelipatan 2; missal dari 100 ke 200 ke 400 …dst, lihatlah perubahan besaran aperture anda.

camera - shutter speed

Secara definisi, shutter speed adalah rentang waktu saat shutter di kamera anda terbuka. Secara lebih mudah, shutter speed berarti waktu dimana sensor kita ‘melihat’ subyek yang akan kita foto. Gampangnya shutter speed adalah waktu antara kita memencet tombol shutter di kamera sampai tombol ini kembali ke posisi semula.

Supaya mudah, kita terjemahkan konsep ini dalam beberapa penggunaannya di kamera:

    * Setting shutter speed sebesar 500 dalam kamera anda berarti rentang waktu sebanyak 1/500 (seperlimaratus) detik. Ya, sesingkat dan sekilat itu. Sementara untuk waktu eksposur sebanyak 30 detik, anda akan melihat tulisan seperti ini: 30’’
    * Setting shutter speed di kamera anda biasanya dalam kelipatan 2, jadi kita akan melihat deretan seperti ini: 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60, 1/30 dst. Kini hampir semua kamera juga mengijinkan setting 1/3 stop, jadi kurang lebih pergerakan shutter speed yang lebih rapat; 1/500, 1/400, 1/320, 1/250, 1/200, 1/160 … dst.
    * Untuk menghasilkan foto yang tajam, gunakan shutter speed yang aman. Aturan aman dalam kebanyakan kondisi adalah setting shutter speed 1/60 atau lebih cepat, sehingga foto yang dihasilkan akan tajam dan aman dari hasil foto yang berbayang (blur/ tidak fokus). Kita bisa mengakali batas aman ini dengan tripod atau menggunakan fitur Image Stabilization (dibahas dalam posting mendatang)
    * Batas shutter speed yang aman lainnya adalah: shutter speed kita harus lebih besar dari panjang lensa kita. Jadi kalau kita memakai lensa 50mm, gunakan shutter minimal 1/60 detik. Jika kita memakai lensa 17mm, gunakan shutter speed 1/30 det.
    * Shutter speed untuk membekukan gerakan. Gunakan shutter speed setinggi mungkin yang bisa dicapai untuk membekukan gerakan. Semakin cepat obyek bergerak yang ingin kita bekukan dalam foto, akan semakin cepat shutter speed yang dibutuhkan. Untuk membekukan gerakan burung yang terbang misalnya, gunakan mode Shutter Priority dan set shutter speed di angka 1/1000 detik (idealnya ISO diset ke opsi auto) supaya hasilnya tajam. Kalau anda perhatikan, fotografer olahraga sangat mengidolakan mode S/Tv ini.
    * Blur yang disengaja – shutter speed untuk menunjukkan efek gerakan. Ketika memotret benda bergerak, kita bisa secara sengaja melambatkan shutter speed kita untuk menunjukkan efek pergerakan. Pastikan anda mengikutkan minimal satu obyek diam sebagai jangkar foto tersebut.

Cara Mempercepat Booting Windows XP

Mempercepat Booting Windows XP

     Mungkin Pc anda mengalami booting windows yang sangat lambat di karnakan komputer yang agak lama atau terlalu banyak program yang di instal...
Berikut langkah-langkahnya agar booting windows anda menjadi lebih cepat :
cara 1 :
Buka aplikasi notepad
Ketikkan “del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.*/q” (Tanpa tanda kutip )
dan save as dengan nama ntosboot.bat dalam drive c:\

Lalu klik menu Start–>Run–> dan ketikkan gpedit.msc

Klik Computer Configuration–>Windows Settings–>Script–>lalu klik 2 kali pada Shutdown

Dalam Windows Shutdown Properties klik add lalu browse. lalu cari letak file ntosboot.bat yang anda buat tadi dan klik open

Lalu klik OK ,Apply dan OK sekali lagi untuk menyelesaikannya

Lalu klik menu Start–>Run–> dan devmgmt.msc

Klik IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers–>Primary IDE Channel ( Klik 2 kali untuk membuka properties )

Pilih Advanced Settings
Pada Device 0 atau Device 1
Ganti Device Type menjadi None ( Ganti saja pilihan Device Type yang tidak terkunci )

Klik IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers–>Secondary IDE Channel ( Klik 2 kali untuk membuka properties )
Pilih Advanced Settings
Pada Device 0 atau Device 1
Ganti Device Type menjadi None

cara 2 :
1. pastikan kamu pakai account administrator
2. jalan windows explorer
3. di atas windows explorer klik menu Tools>Synchronize…
4. liat di dlm kolom, NAME dan Last Updated
5. di bawah offline webpage, kalo ada anak folder My Current Home Page yg di-check, dobel klik anak folder tsb
6. uncheck ‘Make this page available offline’
7. klik OK dan close sampaimke windows explorer lagi…
8. klik Tools>Folder Options…
9. klik menu tab ‘offline files’
10. kalokamu menjalankan user fast switching, maka tdk ada yg dpt dipilih di situ dan selesai sampai di sini
11. kalo tdk, maka uncheck ‘enable offline files kalo belom di-check

Pastikan mobsync.exe tdk jalan saat Windows start,
1. Start>run>ketik regedit
2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run
3. liat kolom NAME dan DATA
4. kalo ada kolom data yg isinya mobsync.exe
5. klik kanan pd kolom name-nya dan klik delete
6. kesimpulan :
tolong jangan sembarangan delete ato rubah isi2 yg ada di registry!!!!

Menonaktifkan Peringatan Di Startup

Menonaktifkan Peringatan Di Startup melalui Registry :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows

Buat sebuah DWORD Value dan beri nama NoPopUpsOnBoot.

Klik ganda NoPopUpsOnBoot dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Buat sebuah DWORD Value lagi dan beri nama Error Mode.

Klik ganda Error Mode dan masukkan input value sebagai berikut:

0 = No Error Suppression

1 = Suppress System Errors

2 = Suppress All Errors